Friday, July 19, 2013

Yard Sale Anybody?

We wanted to give opportunity for youth to earn a little of their tuition cost by participating in a yard sale. However, we have only heard back from one family.
Is this the wrong time for a sale? It is schedules for August 2 and 3rd. Is your family attending the LDS homeschool conference on the 3rd at BYU? I know our mentor Tresta Neil is the coordinator for this conference and she and her family will be busy this weekend.
Plus we have no items to sell yet anyway. Do you have items to contribute?
We will be two youth to accept donations on Monday the 22nd from 8am-10am and Tuesday 23rd from 5pm-7pm provided there are items to be dropped off.
And then we will need youth to volunteer 3 hour blocks of time on Friday, August 2nd and or Saturday August 3rd.  The sale is tentative for 9am-3pm both days. 9-12, 12-3 are the shifts.
This is the only weekend Belinda and I can offer before Vanguard starts in September.
Please email me with your responses. Is the timing wrong?, does your youth already have the money to attend?, can your family or youth help with the sale and which days/times? Should the sale be just one day?
We need some input and support otherwise we will cancel.
Thank you,

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