Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Great opportunity for 14 and older...

Hi Families,  This has been a great experience for my son for the past 2 years and Bethany will be going for the first time this year.  Our own Sister Neil helps make this activity happen...or she did last year....anyway she can tell you more.-Nickie

 Presents the
5th Annual Royal Simulation
Your Royal Presence is officially invited to attend
OUR VISION:   To inspire our youth to become future Kings and Queens of Zion by learning and implementing the kingly and queenly arts of etiquette and refinement in our lives.
In this great gospel of emulation, one of the purposes of our earthly probation is to become like [our Heavenly Father and Mother] in every conceivable way so that we may be comfortable in the presence of heavenly parentage .” (Elder Callister) 

WHO:  All youth ages 14 and up    (We will be teaching from an LDS perspective, but anyone is welcome to attend.)
WHAT:  A 2-day event of classes and activities focusing on etiquette and refinement — including dance instruction –  culminating with a 4-course formal banquet and  grand ball.     (The banquet and ball are the simulation portion for the workshops, therefore we require that any youth who wish to attend them also attend the workshops.)
WHEN:  Fri and Sat Nov 8th and 9th
Fri 3:00-6:00  Classes
7:00-9:00  Evening of Elegance Youth Talent Show   (see below for details)
Sat 8:45-5:00  Classes
6:00-10:30  Formal Banquet and Grand Ball

WHERE:Brigham Young University Harmon building (classes) and Hinckley building (banquet and ball)
COST:    $65          (until Oct 18th, $75 until Nov 1st, $85 after Nov 1st)
RSVP   Register online here
ATTIRE:  We request you wear attire befitting future kings and queens of Zion
Please also make sure to bring jackets and comfortable shoes as we will be walking outside during various parts of the event..
For Classes – modest* Sunday dress (skirt or dress for ladies, slacks and dress shirts for the gentlemen)
For Banquet and Ball – modest* Formal wear (formal dresses for ladies, suit and tie or tux for gentlemen)
We will have a place to change on Sat so bring it with you.
*Modest as defined in the For the Strength of Youth

EVENING OF ELEGANCE (talent share): All are welcome to share talents.  Due to the nature of our event we request that the talents shared be kept within the bounds of elegance and refinement.  Please make sure any music will contribute to a positive, uplifiting spirit. (No strong jungle beats). If you wish to participate, contact Amy by Nov 5th with the type of talent and length of performance so that I can make proper arrangements and set up the program.  We will have a piano.

FOOD:  Friday dinner, Saturday lunch and Sat. banquet are all included in the price

VOLUNTEERS:  If you are interested in volunteering, please see our website for details
We are also starting a scholarship fund for those who would like to attend, but are unable to pay for it. If you would be willing to contribute (even small amounts help) please see our volunteer page.

The article, Our Refined Heavenly Home (Elder Douglas Callister), has provided the foundation for the theme for our workshops and simulation.  We encourage all who will be participating to read it, so that we can have a common frame of reference going into the event.
See highlights from last year on our website
We await your response with regal anticipation!

Regally Yours,

Amy Hansen

Upcoming Stand For The Family Conference...possible field trip for those who are ready

Dear Parents of Vanguard Youth,
     I would like to extend this opportunity to a few of our youth who would be interested in attending and reporting to the group about their learning experience.  I don't think this is for someone under 14. What do you think?  Do you have a youth who feels called to protect the family?  You just might after they read and do the work for chapter 3 of TJED for Teens.  I will be taking my daughter Bethany and though I would like to take others who are ready. Let me know personally. 
Thanks,  Nickie
Stand For The Family Conference

Date:Friday, November 15, 2013
9 a.m.–5 p.m. Workshops 
7–9:30 p.m Super Session/Celebration

Location:South Town Exposition Center
9575 South State Street
Sandy, UT 84070

Conference Purpose:
Eye-opening presentations, solutions and strategies from world-renowned experts and scholars on issues that matter to your family.
You will learn:
  1. How the international sexual rights agenda is threatening families and targeting children worldwide
  2. How to protect your children and family against promiscuity, pornography, and distorted ideas about human sexuality
  3. How to address the sensitive issues of same-sex attraction with understanding and compassion
  4. How to counteract the increasing threats to parental rights and religious freedoms
  5. How to strengthen your marriage and family and improve parenting skills
  6. How to become an effective family advocate so your voice can make a difference
  • Patrick Fagan, PhD, Director, Marriage and Religion Research Inst.; Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Family Policy, US Dept. of HHS
  • Sharon Slater, President, Family Watch International; author, “Protecting the Family and Children at the International, National and Local Level”
  • Nicholeen Peck, expert, BBC’s most-watched, “The World’s Strictest Parents;” “Family Governance and Revolutionary Parenting”
  • Stephanie & Christian Nielson, bestselling author, plane crash survivors and national celebrities promoting motherhood and family
  • Alan R. & Suzanne Osmond, of the original Osmond Brothers; founders of One Heart Foundation and to strengthen families around the world
  • Patrick Trueman, President/CEO, Morality in the Media; former Chief of Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, US Dept. of Justice; expert in fighting child sex crimes, pornography
  • Shane Krauser, Director, American Academy for Constitutional Education; attorney, adjunct professor; ”Protecting Religious Freedom”
  • Michael P. Donnelly, President of HSLDA, renowned international legal authority; “Why Everyone Must Be Engaged in the Battle to Protect Parental Rights
  • Don Feder, Director of Communications, World Congress of Families; “The Sexual Revolution and the Roots of Demographic Winter”
  • Donald L. Hilton, MD, author, expert on “The Neuroscience of Pornography: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Family”
  • Steven & Rhyll Croshaw, founders of The S.A. Lifeline Foundation, “Our Story of Overcoming Pornography Addiction”
  • Floyd Godfrey, MA, LPC; author; Director of Family Strategies & Coaching (has worked with more than 600 men); “Understanding Same-Sex Attraction”

Leadership: Apprentice level book for November

The youth will need to read The Young Travelers Gift by Andy Andrews for Nov. 6th Apprentice level.

Also, Chapter 3 of TJED for Teens includes forms that your youth need to fill out. Please make a copy (if necessary) for all your youth to have the same forms to work the chapter assignments.  This reading will take 3 days if the youth follow the authors request.

And, you might check in with your youth regarding how their monthly selection of a HOW skill is working for them. I'd like your youth to check in with you first but if you don't hear from them go ahead and ask. This isn't something anyone seems to want to share in class which is fine but I hope they are utilizing the opportunity.

Calendar Events: Friday, October 25th Movie Night in Lehi at the Tyler home. Wednesday, October 30th Service Project all families and ages are welcome to participate in spreading Pennies By The Inch envelopes. A picnic and games at Lion's Park will be held from 12:00ish to 2:00pm. Bring your own lunch.

Filed trip for the November Master level students includes a private tour of the Ashworth collection of Revolutionary/Constitutional artifacts.

 FYI:  Education Of A Wandering Man is postponed until January's Master class.