Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Vanguard families are invited...lots of people are invited...

Christmas Eve Service Project
December 24th  2013
9:00 am to 9:00 pm
854 North 1375 West | Provo

It's that wonderful time of year again. You and your family are invited to help support several organizations that provide services within Utah County. This year we will be sewing receiving blankets, painting blocks, tying quilts, coloring educational pages, making different weighted bags, sewing drawstring bags, hat making, pewter button finishing, and other lovely opportunities. Items will go to Kids On The Move, Utah Co. Head Start Program and the Colonial Heritage Foundation. If you would like to help prior to the 24th please call Nickie at 801-850-6554. We are also accepting gently used children’s shoes, books, finished/unfinished quilts, and canned foods to be donated to the Community Action Food Bank.

Hosted by the Allen Family

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


-one stove cost $25.00....(comes with 2 fire starters and taco soup)

-one fire starter disc cost $1.50

-one case of 12 stoves costs $300.00 ($25 each)

-one case of 108 fire starters costs $162.00 ($1.50 each)

There are no discounts for buying more then one of an item.

  1. Please place your money (cash or checks) in a safe place as you collect and keep the money to give to Sister Allen.
  2. You can have the checks written out to Veronnica would be safest but we'll trust the checks. :)
  3. You could have an index card with my name or your name written on it to show for writing out checks.
  4. Let everyone know on our site when you sell a stove so we can cheer each other on.
  5. FYI, the 5 stoves and 20 fire starters that you took home to sell cost $155. Please keep the items safe and clean. The boxes should have no marks on them when you go to sell them.
  6. You may buy 1 stove for yourself or family for the cost of $16.03. Just one nothing more or you can buy $25 to support Vanguard.
  7. Selling Points:
-Retails for $34.99---Save $10 buying face to face for only 25!
-white box with red lettering all ready for Christmas—great for hard to buy people—great for all the teens/20's grand-kids and for your children...this is a wood burning stove!--you can use wood, leaves, sternos, the cedar fire starters at “green” and last forever—It's a great present!--only 4 pounds—let them hold it—Say it again “It’s A Great Christmas Present”!--stainless steel—2 fire starter discs come with the stove—heats 4 cups of water or 1 quart—and a free taco soup mix...

FYI: our profit for each stove is $8.97 and each disc is 75 cents. These are the profits after we sell the item(s).

Any question please call Sister Allen 801-602-5836

You can take a large order and call me so we can arrange a pickup and delivery if you have a large sell like a case of something.

Go for it!!!!!!!!

P.S. Review what Uncle Eric says on pages 108 and 109 it will help you !!

Link for youtube demo:

Saturday, November 16, 2013

After hearing Janet share about her learnng experiences with community schools and her family, I felt I and many others would be interested in learning these are invited to attend.

Date: November 30th 2013
Time: 4 hour class (8-noon or 9am-1pm)
Place: Provo Utah, home of Nickie Allen
Cost: $25 per person with possible couple discount
Pay: cash, check, or credit card

Communication Matters!

Marshall Rosenberg is a man whose passion is teaching people to communicate so that both sides of an issue can be heard, honored, and respected. He literally travels the world dealing with high-conflict situations. As he helps them communicate using Nonviolent Communication principles, they understand how to work together to solve problems and resolve relationship issues. He is the founder of Nonviolent Communication (see I am offering a 4-hour seminar that will show how I apply the principles of NVC in my own home and in my community and family relationships. I have used these principles successfully with my own 10 children and family members. In addition, I have used these communication skills as I have run a local community school, a business, and taught community education classes. I know from first-hand experience that these ideas will revolutionalize our ability to deal with conflict, stress, and help us resolve problems. Learning NVC skills has changed my life, and that of my family. I want to share that with others in this beginning seminar.

There are many books available that the Center for Nonviolent Communication publishes, and they are all excellent. My favorite beginning book is Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life. The book is not necessary for the seminar, but most people find that after the seminar they are interested in several of the books or videos produced by this organization.

Bio of the presenter:

I am Janet Summit. I live with my husband Don and children in the Logan, Utah area. I have 10 children, ranging in age now from 12 to 26. Several years ago we had one of those “hard crisis situations” in our family, and it was evident that we were falling apart emotionally, and didn’t know how to resolve the crisis. I began to search for solutions. One of the most important of those solutions was finding the organization Nonviolent Communication, (founded and developed by Marshall Rosenberg), and learning the “language of life,” or NVC, as it is called. Learning the skill of being able to express feelings and needs, and to listen for others’ feelings and needs in conversation literally changed the life of my family. We do not generally communicate this way at all in our culture. This language is called “compassionate communication,” although it is much different from simply listening. It is a straightforward language, a language that does not avoid confrontation, but creates a climate in which all needs can be met and be satisfied. It is a respectful language, and a way of communicating with someone that tells them you are truly interested in what they need and feel, even if you do not agree with them. Because of this, even in situations where people differ greatly, they are usually very willing to work together to find compatible solutions to the problem so that life can be enriched for all. I have seen this “language” pay off time and time again.

My family is different because we are able to communicate openly about what we feel and need. I run a community school in our area, composed of over 30 families and their children, and use NVC skills constantly as we set up schedules, deal with challenging situations, and decide what kinds of policies we want to develop. Anyone who has worked with homeschoolers knows how independent they are, and how different one family is from another, and yet we have managed to find a way to have everyone contribute successfully and feel included. I credit this to being able to use NVC to help everyone communicate together successfully.

I have found that when I know how to sense someone else’s needs and feelings, and when I know how to “receive a negative message” from someone else, then I can feel confident and secure in knowing how to respond. That provides me with the ability to think through things, and to truly consider what the other person needs, even behind their words. I also can understand myself, give myself empathy, and see what I truly need (which is never dependent on the situation). It’s made all the difference in my life.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Great opportunity for 14 and older...

Hi Families,  This has been a great experience for my son for the past 2 years and Bethany will be going for the first time this year.  Our own Sister Neil helps make this activity happen...or she did last year....anyway she can tell you more.-Nickie

 Presents the
5th Annual Royal Simulation
Your Royal Presence is officially invited to attend
OUR VISION:   To inspire our youth to become future Kings and Queens of Zion by learning and implementing the kingly and queenly arts of etiquette and refinement in our lives.
In this great gospel of emulation, one of the purposes of our earthly probation is to become like [our Heavenly Father and Mother] in every conceivable way so that we may be comfortable in the presence of heavenly parentage .” (Elder Callister) 

WHO:  All youth ages 14 and up    (We will be teaching from an LDS perspective, but anyone is welcome to attend.)
WHAT:  A 2-day event of classes and activities focusing on etiquette and refinement — including dance instruction –  culminating with a 4-course formal banquet and  grand ball.     (The banquet and ball are the simulation portion for the workshops, therefore we require that any youth who wish to attend them also attend the workshops.)
WHEN:  Fri and Sat Nov 8th and 9th
Fri 3:00-6:00  Classes
7:00-9:00  Evening of Elegance Youth Talent Show   (see below for details)
Sat 8:45-5:00  Classes
6:00-10:30  Formal Banquet and Grand Ball

WHERE:Brigham Young University Harmon building (classes) and Hinckley building (banquet and ball)
COST:    $65          (until Oct 18th, $75 until Nov 1st, $85 after Nov 1st)
RSVP   Register online here
ATTIRE:  We request you wear attire befitting future kings and queens of Zion
Please also make sure to bring jackets and comfortable shoes as we will be walking outside during various parts of the event..
For Classes – modest* Sunday dress (skirt or dress for ladies, slacks and dress shirts for the gentlemen)
For Banquet and Ball – modest* Formal wear (formal dresses for ladies, suit and tie or tux for gentlemen)
We will have a place to change on Sat so bring it with you.
*Modest as defined in the For the Strength of Youth

EVENING OF ELEGANCE (talent share): All are welcome to share talents.  Due to the nature of our event we request that the talents shared be kept within the bounds of elegance and refinement.  Please make sure any music will contribute to a positive, uplifiting spirit. (No strong jungle beats). If you wish to participate, contact Amy by Nov 5th with the type of talent and length of performance so that I can make proper arrangements and set up the program.  We will have a piano.

FOOD:  Friday dinner, Saturday lunch and Sat. banquet are all included in the price

VOLUNTEERS:  If you are interested in volunteering, please see our website for details
We are also starting a scholarship fund for those who would like to attend, but are unable to pay for it. If you would be willing to contribute (even small amounts help) please see our volunteer page.

The article, Our Refined Heavenly Home (Elder Douglas Callister), has provided the foundation for the theme for our workshops and simulation.  We encourage all who will be participating to read it, so that we can have a common frame of reference going into the event.
See highlights from last year on our website
We await your response with regal anticipation!

Regally Yours,

Amy Hansen

Upcoming Stand For The Family Conference...possible field trip for those who are ready

Dear Parents of Vanguard Youth,
     I would like to extend this opportunity to a few of our youth who would be interested in attending and reporting to the group about their learning experience.  I don't think this is for someone under 14. What do you think?  Do you have a youth who feels called to protect the family?  You just might after they read and do the work for chapter 3 of TJED for Teens.  I will be taking my daughter Bethany and though I would like to take others who are ready. Let me know personally. 
Thanks,  Nickie
Stand For The Family Conference

Date:Friday, November 15, 2013
9 a.m.–5 p.m. Workshops 
7–9:30 p.m Super Session/Celebration

Location:South Town Exposition Center
9575 South State Street
Sandy, UT 84070

Conference Purpose:
Eye-opening presentations, solutions and strategies from world-renowned experts and scholars on issues that matter to your family.
You will learn:
  1. How the international sexual rights agenda is threatening families and targeting children worldwide
  2. How to protect your children and family against promiscuity, pornography, and distorted ideas about human sexuality
  3. How to address the sensitive issues of same-sex attraction with understanding and compassion
  4. How to counteract the increasing threats to parental rights and religious freedoms
  5. How to strengthen your marriage and family and improve parenting skills
  6. How to become an effective family advocate so your voice can make a difference
  • Patrick Fagan, PhD, Director, Marriage and Religion Research Inst.; Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Family Policy, US Dept. of HHS
  • Sharon Slater, President, Family Watch International; author, “Protecting the Family and Children at the International, National and Local Level”
  • Nicholeen Peck, expert, BBC’s most-watched, “The World’s Strictest Parents;” “Family Governance and Revolutionary Parenting”
  • Stephanie & Christian Nielson, bestselling author, plane crash survivors and national celebrities promoting motherhood and family
  • Alan R. & Suzanne Osmond, of the original Osmond Brothers; founders of One Heart Foundation and to strengthen families around the world
  • Patrick Trueman, President/CEO, Morality in the Media; former Chief of Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section, US Dept. of Justice; expert in fighting child sex crimes, pornography
  • Shane Krauser, Director, American Academy for Constitutional Education; attorney, adjunct professor; ”Protecting Religious Freedom”
  • Michael P. Donnelly, President of HSLDA, renowned international legal authority; “Why Everyone Must Be Engaged in the Battle to Protect Parental Rights
  • Don Feder, Director of Communications, World Congress of Families; “The Sexual Revolution and the Roots of Demographic Winter”
  • Donald L. Hilton, MD, author, expert on “The Neuroscience of Pornography: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Family”
  • Steven & Rhyll Croshaw, founders of The S.A. Lifeline Foundation, “Our Story of Overcoming Pornography Addiction”
  • Floyd Godfrey, MA, LPC; author; Director of Family Strategies & Coaching (has worked with more than 600 men); “Understanding Same-Sex Attraction”

Leadership: Apprentice level book for November

The youth will need to read The Young Travelers Gift by Andy Andrews for Nov. 6th Apprentice level.

Also, Chapter 3 of TJED for Teens includes forms that your youth need to fill out. Please make a copy (if necessary) for all your youth to have the same forms to work the chapter assignments.  This reading will take 3 days if the youth follow the authors request.

And, you might check in with your youth regarding how their monthly selection of a HOW skill is working for them. I'd like your youth to check in with you first but if you don't hear from them go ahead and ask. This isn't something anyone seems to want to share in class which is fine but I hope they are utilizing the opportunity.

Calendar Events: Friday, October 25th Movie Night in Lehi at the Tyler home. Wednesday, October 30th Service Project all families and ages are welcome to participate in spreading Pennies By The Inch envelopes. A picnic and games at Lion's Park will be held from 12:00ish to 2:00pm. Bring your own lunch.

Filed trip for the November Master level students includes a private tour of the Ashworth collection of Revolutionary/Constitutional artifacts.

 FYI:  Education Of A Wandering Man is postponed until January's Master class.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

October Newsletter is ready...

Look to the right and you will see a box called FORMS.  There you will find the newsletters.  I think I will print one for each youth to be given out on the 25th of September. These will be black and white. If you want color you will need to print the newsletter yourself.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Guest Speaker coming October 2nd.... for all Vanguard Youth to attend

 The Leadership/Government Inspirements for October are now posted at the blog site: 

Class will be held October 2nd.

 We have a guest speaker and would like all youth to attend. Mrs Openshaw will present from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. So those who normally do Apprentice level only will need to stay that day and take a longer lunch break or go ahead and do the Journeyman level this month.

Pam is the author of the book Promises of the Constitution which the youth are reading for Apprentice level and she is also  a story teller and reenacts the life of Betsy Ross.

Upcoming Activities Planned For The Youth Of Vanguard!!

Good Day To You!

 We want to hold more opportunities for our Vanguard youth to play and get to know each other and build new friendships with each other. So two activities are planned with more on the way.

1. Friday, September 27th: Meet at the Hutchings Museum in Lehi at 10:50 am. Bring a sack lunch with you. We will go on a self guided tour and have lunch afterwards at a local park. We'll end at 1:00 pmish.  Those in Provo can meet at Sister Allen's at 10 am, Those in the Orem area can meet at Sister Neil's at 10:15 am and others beyond can arrange for me to pick you up near an exit or come to the museum and arrange for your parent to pick you up afterwards....I might be able to get you home just make arrangements with me before hand. No little siblings...just the youth.

2. Friday, October 4th: Meet at Sister Ballentyne's at 10:00 am, bring a lunch and plenty of water as we are going to Cascade Springs. Come play together, bring some games, let's enjoy the afternoon together. This activity goes until about 2:00 pm.

If you have an activity that you want to host, talk to your parents, plan a date and bring your plan written on paper and share it with Sister Allen and we will get it scheduled.

Hope many of you can come. Please R.S.V.P. with a yes or no so we know everyone has read this message.  email Sister Allen your rsvp.


Your Vanguard Mentors

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Parents please mark your calendars

The monthly Parent Mentor Training will begin the first Friday in October. We ask as many parents to attend as is possible for your family situation. Meetings are held at Nickie Allen's home and begin at 7:30 pm sharp and will not run more than 1.5 hours.

I have some concerns to share and you may have concerns so write your concerns, praises, and ideas that might help so you too can be prepared for our meeting.  Prayers help too.

Babies may be brought but no children.



Monday, September 16, 2013

This is a fun date night or go alone or with your older children on a date...Gove and I went last year. This year I might have to go alone...

Applying the Science of Behavior Change in the Home

Join New York Times bestelling author and behavior change expert, Joseph Grenny, as he teaches a model for helping yourself, your spouse, and your children overcome bad behaviors and develop new healthy and harmonious habits.

DATE: Friday, September 20, 2013
TIME: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Provo City Library Grand Ball Room, 550 North University Ave., Provo, UT 84601
COST: $7.00 per person

 Click here to register.

Each couple will receive a copy of the New York Times bestseller, Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success. All proceeds will benefit United Way of Utah County and its partners.
United Way of Utah County

VitalSmarts, a Provo-based training company, will host a Community Date Night Friday, September 20 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $7 per person. All proceeds will benefit United Way of Utah County and its partners. Click here to register.
Change Habits, Change Your Life 
Bestselling author Joseph Grenny will teach a model from his national bestseller Change Anything to help you, your spouse, and your children overcome bad behaviors and develop new healthy and harmonious habits. Nurturing these good habits will strengthen families as well as the community.  
As always, thank you for your support. We hope to see you there.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Multi Vanguard Youth Family Trek Planned for May to Angie to save a spot for your family

This message is from Angie Moore:

 I have reserved May 22-24, 2014 for our Vanguard Family Trek.    Yeah!!!  This should be fun.  We can have a maximum of 500 people.  That is 50 carts, 10 people per cart.  Please feel free to let your Vanguard families know so that they can start reserving their spots.  Here are a couple of things to think about that might come up right at the start of planning this.  If you have ever done a family trek or even if you haven't, please share your ideas or concerns.

1.  Can a youth attend even if their parent/s can not?  Of the top of my head, I was thinking yes but the family would be in charge of asking another family who is going to be responsible for their youth.  As this is a family trek, I think we really need to encourage the whole family to attend.  I think that is what will really make this a special trek.  Youth going without family should be the exception not the rule.  Only Vanguard youth would be allowed to go without a parent.  Younger siblings would need at least one parent.  This is what we have stuck with for our back packing trips and it has worked well.

2. How many families to a cart?  I am assuming that for those who have large families, they will do one cart.  For those families where only one parent can go, we would double up families?  However, I guess for families where only dads could go, we could put those families together? Hmmmm.... actually for families that only moms or dads can go maybe we could add them to a smaller family since some families like my own will only maybe have 3-4 people so we could definitely add another mom and children or  another dad and children?  Let me know your thoughts.

That is all I can think of that might come up right now as families decide if they can go.  There is a handbook put out by the LDS church for treks, I will start reading it and then come up with a date to have the first planning meeting.  I think we should plan on 1 person or couple from each Vanguard group that is planning on participating to help start the planning.  We can get together and decide how we want the leadership to look and how we want to use the youth in helping to lead the trek.  This year our stake did a trek and it was completely youth led.  I would love to see the Vanguard youth really take the leadership on this, with the adults just shadow mentoring?   Thoughts on this?

Do you have any other questions that you think we better answer before we put it out to everyone?



Hi once again,  I just wanted to make sure that I communicated correctly.  Now that the dates for the trek are reserved, if you plan on having your Vanguard group participate, please send out an email to your group letting them know of the dates and the location.  They will need to RSVP to (me) with the number of people planning on attending and with any questions that they have. We can have up to 500 people (50 carts with 10 people per cart) so there should be plenty of room for everyone who wants to go.   

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Upcoming book discussions...books youth will need.

In October, all youth will need to read Johnny Termain for Apprentice level History lens. 3rd week.

And the first Wednesday of October, all Journeyman youth will need to have read Seedfolks by Paul Fleischman. I hope the youth can each have this little book as I think there is plenty of color coding to do here.

And in November all Leadership youth will need a copy of  The Young Traveler's Gift for Apprentice level.

Plus all Master level youth in Leadership in November will need a copy of  Education of a Wandering Man by Louis L'amour.

Books do not have to be new. Used is fine.  We want to encourage our youth to write in their books, add notes, insights, bursts of inspiration. Do all you can my young friends to get your own copy of a book whenever it is possible.


Sister Allen

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Vanguard Day...

We just finished our first Vanguard.  It was a fun day.  Thanks for all your hard work.

We will work the kinks out.

1.We need to set some boundaries for the Allen's home.
     A.Please do not jump off anything, including the rock wall in the yard.
     B. Please do not be north of the house on the hill.
     C. Please do not cross the yellow bridge. No children in neighbors yards.
     D. If a parent wants to plan and assist across the bridge tour, that is the only way to cross the bridge.
     E. Food may be outside or in the kitchen only.
     F. We need to help with vacuuming, sweeping and mopping.
     G. We need to take all lunch trash to the trash.

To the Vanguard Youth
1. If you found it a bit hard today, Make your inspirements more exciting.
2. Please use your planning sheets you got from the Vision day.  If those planning pages are not for you bring the one you do use.


Sister Belinda Ballantyne

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Hot Dog!

We start our Vanguard youth group's first class in 13 hours!..Oh my, it's me who goes first!!!!

Looking forward to all 18 youth coming and shining their light upon me.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Change in Drop off and pick up... Letters needed.... for Friday's Youth Vision Day...

Parents and Youth,

Please come to Belinda Ballantyne's home this Friday the 30th at 8:50 am. We will leave for South Fork at 9:00 am.

Parents, we are not exactly sure when we will return. We are trying for 2:00 pm but it might be closer to 3:00 pm.  You can pick your children up at Belinda's home.

Youth, please RSVP to Sister Allen right away. Don't put off for later what you can do right now.

Parents, please email your letters to me so your youth will have something to read on Friday. We do not want any youth left out.

Youth, remember your lunches, scriptures, pencil or pen, coat/sweater and comfortable shoes for running around in.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Invitation for youth: Parents and Youth Please R.S.V.P. by this Thursday the 29th

Vanguard Youth Vision Day!

Calling all Vanguard Youth!!! That's you! It's finally here!

Vision Day 2013: Friday August 30th
Time: 9am to 2pm (approximate)
Place: South Fork Park up Provo Canyon
Bring: Your scriptures and pen or pencil (paper will be provided)
Bring: A warm jacket for the morning
Bring: A lunch that works for you
Bring: A water bottle
Bring: A smile and a happy heart
Wear comfortable clothes to play in, shoes good for running and walking on rocks

Prepare for your Vision Day by doing the following Inspirement:

1. Watch, read, or listen to “There Are Many Gifts” by Marvin Ashton
2. On a piece of paper, write any of the gifts you think you have that Elder Ashton mentioned as the less-conspicuous gifts.
3. On that same paper, include gifts that you would like to seek after and develop. Explain why you are desiring such gifts, what you hope do with the gift(s).

R.S.V.P. by Thursday to

We are meeting at Sister Allen's and driving to South Fork. If bad weather, we'll meet at her home.

All youth planning to attend Vanguard need to attended this vision day. Please prepare yourself with a good night-rest Thursday night. Follow through with the above inspirement and come prepared for fun, learning, and pushing yourself to new limits.

The Youth Vision Day is for the youth not the parents. If you want to drop your child or children off at South Fork please call Sister Allen so she isn't waiting. Otherwise we will meet at Sister Allen's and drive up from her home.

Any questions? Call Sister Allen.      We're excited to meet all of you.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ideas to Afford Books for Vanguard

  1. Start by praying that Heavenly Father will open a way and guide you how to get the books
  2. Library – Check early and put them on hold 
  3. Buy used books online (Amazon or other used sites have them starting around $4 including shipping). On Amazon check the fine print under the regular price.
  4. E-books are often cheaper than paper books
  5. Take your book list to the DI or other thrift stores. If you see extra copies pick them up and offer the deal to others 
  6. Sell pizza cards or another fund raiser that allows you to use the funds for education. Ashley Baird sells them from Papa Murphy’s. You can buy them for $1 and sell them for whatever price you want, like $7 or $10. 
  7. Sign up for an Amazon credit card (and then you can cancel it later) – they give you an instant $50 of books free
  8. When there’s a choice of buying or using a free online book, choose the free one
  9. Have your teen get a part-time job to help earn money for books (paper route, bagging groceries)
  10. Put the word out using email or Facebook to family and friends to see if they have certain books that you can borrow
  11. Ask another family in Vanguard if you can share books – maybe switch books mid-week
  12. Sign up for Harmony Education or MyTechHigh or another “charter school” that helps with homeschool costs. Harmony gives $300-400 reimbursement per student plus other reimbursement for curricula, and a lending library. 
  13. See if your husband can pick up a few extra hours at work
One more...

Book trading.   I've been using this site for years and get a lot of my books this way.  There are several of this year's books available for the taking.

Here is the info about it...

 If you're a reader, you know how books can accumulate after you have read them. They pile up and gather dust, and you know you won't read them again. You can try to sell them to used-book stores, but you wont get very much for them, even if they are in perfect condition. PaperBackSwap is a better way!

All you have to do is create an account for FREE, list your books that you are ready to share, and send them out to other members when they are requested. Yes, you pay the postage to send your books out (between 2 and 3 dollars for an average-sized book), BUT you get a Book Credit for sending each book (each Book Credit is good for one book - you can order from any member in the club), AND when you request books for yourself, the senders pay the postage to send those books to you.

It costs nothing to participate, except for postage - there are no membership fees. You even get 2 startup Book Credits free if you are the first account at your household - you can use those credits to order 2 books for yourself, right away!

Give your books a better life - no more languishing on dusty bookshelves! Find new readers for them and get new books for yourself. Send a book, get a book. It's easy and it's free!

 If you do sign up, please use the following link:

If you use the link above to join and you become an active member, Jen will get a free Book Credit for referring you to the club!

For more information about PaperBackSwap, you can visit our Help Center by clicking the link below:

Friday, August 16, 2013

The Kids Corner has postings...

Parents with children attending preschool or the jr./sr. kids classes need to go to the tab entitles The Kids Corner and  add your email to the FOLLOW BY EMAIL box on the right side of the blog.

Kristine of the preschool needs questions answered and Julie of the older kids school has a beginning outline posted.

I am wondering if any of you moms want to hold a club like Knights of Freedom or Liberty Girls after the "class time" is over?  I can offer my home for this but i can not run it. Both clubs would require at the minimum 2 mothers but 3 is best ( 1 to lead, and 2 to assist).


Vision Day Invite for Parents

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

From Becky of the Layton chapter of Vanguard and mentor of the leadership lens...

Parents and Youth; I hope you will read what Becky says and even go to the sites she mentions here in her blog. This is a big reason why I felt guided to start Vanguard here in Utah county.   Thanks Becky for sharing with all of us! Check out the inspirement poster under point #4.


Five Things I Love About our Vanguard Homeschool Group  by Becky E. at:

1.  It is gospel-based

So we can openly talk about how our LDS beliefs and standards apply to what we're learning. We also have one Lutheran family in our group, whom we love!  It's fun and educational to discuss our similarities and differences.

I LOVE learning and teaching the gospel right along with secular knowledge.
To me, it's the way education should be.

2.  Vanguard provides a wonderful, wholesome social atmosphere for my very social daughter! 

We do temple trips, service projects, field trips, family activities, movie nights, game nights, and even outdoor adventures!  Besides our regular classes twice a week, we do theater and choir too!  Because my daughter is so socially motivated, she's motivated to study hard so she can come to more classes with her friends.
I love these youth!

3.  Our curriculum is guided by personal revelation. 

The teachers (mentors) get the wonderful opportunity to ask for and receive their own personal revelation about which books, curricula, field trips, and hands-on activities to use in each of our classes. That means God is in charge of what these youth are learning. I feel great about that!

Here is my handout on "Creating a Spirit-led Learning Environment."

My husband hosted a tour of the Davis County courthouse.
A bailiff handcuffed Nic and put jail pants on him. Everyone loved that!

4. Vanguard provides a well-rounded arena of subjects.

  • Leadership Academy  -- leadership, liberty, government (I teach this one)
  • History and geography 
  • Imaginative Arts -- art, music, poetry, literature
  • Eureka -- math and science 
  • We also offer optional theater and choir groups

"Inspirements" are a list of choices of ways the youth can "digest" the
information they've read. Choices can include teaching the class with a PowerPoint, a poem, a paper,
a poster board, a white board discussion, an object lesson, a skit, an oral report, or a speech. 

5.  Vanguard follows so many models that I already LOVE and believe in!

  • The seminary and institute model of teaching and learning. The Spirit is the teacher. Students take responsibility for learning. Look for principles as you study. Apply them to your life to become more like Christ. 
  • The BYU-Idah learning model. Students come to class having already studied and are prepared to teach each other. You learn the more when you teach and discuss what you studied.
  • The Principle Approach by the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE).  God's word is at the heart of education. The main purpose of education isn't just to earn money. It is to become more like Christ and live the missions God sent us to earth to fulfill. Education is service-oriented -- what difference can we make in the world? 
  • Elder Bednar's Increase in Learning. Learning goes from the mind (knowledge) to the heart (understanding) to the actions (doing and becoming).
  • Thomas Jefferson Education (or Leadership Education). Parents and teachers (mentors) are encouraged to study and learn too, setting an example to the teens. We use the term "inspirements" and inspire the youth to want to learn!  We let them choose the level of study they are ready for: apprentice, journeyman, and master. Youth are rewarded for studying more by getting to stay to another level of class with their friends to learn more! 
  • American Heritage School, and LDS-based private school in American Fork, Utah. We use many of their same methods (originally from FACE) like 4R-ing (research, reason, relate, record), word studies, reflection journals, and timelines. 

I love how much our youth love each other. 

If you're interested in starting a Vanguard homeschool group of your own, let me know. I can guide you to the right people and information.

A sunrise hike to Ensign Peak in Salt Lake City.