Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Parents, RSVP for this event if you can attend

You are invited to attend the
1st Annual Vanguard Mentor Training Retreat!
It will be held on Tuesday, August 6th from 8am-4pm
at 655 Sunset Drive, Kaysville UT.
We will be happy to provide at least the following classes:
(official schedule to come!)
-Kick-off: quintessential Vanguard-Creating a spirit-led learning environment
-Review of the 4-R method and how to effectively use it
-Use of different methods/elements in classes
-Mentoring in classes

-How to celebrate and mentor different personality styles
-Helps in working with parents, youth leadership and junior mentors
-Discussion of "agency education"
...along with a panel of Vanguard youth for Q & A

The cost is only $10 (unless you sign-up to bring a food item, in which case it is $5) payable at the door, which includes a light breakfast bar and lunch.  Registration begins at 7:30 so please arrive a little early, and you can pick up your packet of handout then.
We are excited to present this power-packed day full of instruction and discussion!  Please feel free to come, even if you are not part of a Vanguard organization.   We welcome your input and participation.
Hope to see you there!
Please RSVP to Belinda Ballantyne at tball765@q.com, even if you have already contacted me, so you can receive future emails regarding this event.
Hope to see you there!

(Nursing babies only please)

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