Wednesday, August 14, 2013

From Becky of the Layton chapter of Vanguard and mentor of the leadership lens...

Parents and Youth; I hope you will read what Becky says and even go to the sites she mentions here in her blog. This is a big reason why I felt guided to start Vanguard here in Utah county.   Thanks Becky for sharing with all of us! Check out the inspirement poster under point #4.


Five Things I Love About our Vanguard Homeschool Group  by Becky E. at:

1.  It is gospel-based

So we can openly talk about how our LDS beliefs and standards apply to what we're learning. We also have one Lutheran family in our group, whom we love!  It's fun and educational to discuss our similarities and differences.

I LOVE learning and teaching the gospel right along with secular knowledge.
To me, it's the way education should be.

2.  Vanguard provides a wonderful, wholesome social atmosphere for my very social daughter! 

We do temple trips, service projects, field trips, family activities, movie nights, game nights, and even outdoor adventures!  Besides our regular classes twice a week, we do theater and choir too!  Because my daughter is so socially motivated, she's motivated to study hard so she can come to more classes with her friends.
I love these youth!

3.  Our curriculum is guided by personal revelation. 

The teachers (mentors) get the wonderful opportunity to ask for and receive their own personal revelation about which books, curricula, field trips, and hands-on activities to use in each of our classes. That means God is in charge of what these youth are learning. I feel great about that!

Here is my handout on "Creating a Spirit-led Learning Environment."

My husband hosted a tour of the Davis County courthouse.
A bailiff handcuffed Nic and put jail pants on him. Everyone loved that!

4. Vanguard provides a well-rounded arena of subjects.

  • Leadership Academy  -- leadership, liberty, government (I teach this one)
  • History and geography 
  • Imaginative Arts -- art, music, poetry, literature
  • Eureka -- math and science 
  • We also offer optional theater and choir groups

"Inspirements" are a list of choices of ways the youth can "digest" the
information they've read. Choices can include teaching the class with a PowerPoint, a poem, a paper,
a poster board, a white board discussion, an object lesson, a skit, an oral report, or a speech. 

5.  Vanguard follows so many models that I already LOVE and believe in!

  • The seminary and institute model of teaching and learning. The Spirit is the teacher. Students take responsibility for learning. Look for principles as you study. Apply them to your life to become more like Christ. 
  • The BYU-Idah learning model. Students come to class having already studied and are prepared to teach each other. You learn the more when you teach and discuss what you studied.
  • The Principle Approach by the Foundation for American Christian Education (FACE).  God's word is at the heart of education. The main purpose of education isn't just to earn money. It is to become more like Christ and live the missions God sent us to earth to fulfill. Education is service-oriented -- what difference can we make in the world? 
  • Elder Bednar's Increase in Learning. Learning goes from the mind (knowledge) to the heart (understanding) to the actions (doing and becoming).
  • Thomas Jefferson Education (or Leadership Education). Parents and teachers (mentors) are encouraged to study and learn too, setting an example to the teens. We use the term "inspirements" and inspire the youth to want to learn!  We let them choose the level of study they are ready for: apprentice, journeyman, and master. Youth are rewarded for studying more by getting to stay to another level of class with their friends to learn more! 
  • American Heritage School, and LDS-based private school in American Fork, Utah. We use many of their same methods (originally from FACE) like 4R-ing (research, reason, relate, record), word studies, reflection journals, and timelines. 

I love how much our youth love each other. 

If you're interested in starting a Vanguard homeschool group of your own, let me know. I can guide you to the right people and information.

A sunrise hike to Ensign Peak in Salt Lake City.

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